Web Developer
Mobile Developer
Security Researcher
Sethu Senthil

๐ผ Founder & CEO of Vibin LLC
A retro 2D platformer trivia game made for the FBLA club which made it to states (NJ) with a scoreboard and trippy fx.
All my apps on the Apple App store has been featured so far in top charts and on the front page in over 100+ countries
The leading multi-million dollar creator platform for influencer marketing has wrote an indepth tutorial for my app SaveTok
A noteworthy tech review and tutorial website has featured my work with YouTube in their Top 10 list
A popular technology and software blog has featured my app SaveTok
The popular Apple and tech blog has given my app LiveMinder a thumbs-up
My app LiveMinder was recently recommended by the popular developer and software blog as a top-rated productivity tool
If you don't succeed in your first attempt, call it version 1.0